ALL RISE is a non-profit organisation and registered law clinic for climate and environmental justice located in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

ALL RISE has a team of passionate and experienced attorneys who work pro bono for communities who can’t afford legal services and take on matters of public interest. The legal team is supported by a full-time liaison manager who is in constant communication with ALL RISE’s community clients and engages with partner organisations.

ALL RISE has an equally formidable all-women board with a complementary range of business, academic and legal skills to guide the legal team and foster good governance.

ALL RISE is proud to be the first of its kind in KwaZulu- Natal and one of a few law clinics in South Africa with a specific focus on environmental and climate change law.

The evidence of the pressure that humankind is placing on the Earth’s ability to sustain life is overwhelming. Global warming, pollution and the loss of species are challenges that both international and domestic law needs to confront. In facing these challenges, the environmental laws of South Africa continue to strengthen the possibility that these challenges can be met.

We are committed to keeping our client base small to ensure that all clients receive dedicated and focused service to which time is properly and expertly given. Qualifications and experience as well as commitment to the conservation of wildlife, the environment and environmental justice ensures that our clients’ expectations and needs are met.

Environmental and human rights are interconnected. Conservation, preservation and justice are the pillars of the law clinic. Environmental law is an exciting and dynamic field where great differences can be made. We particularly enjoy cases that explore the relationship between environmental and socio-economic rights. Section 24 of the Constitution deals with the right to a healthy environment but the rest of the Bill of Rights incorporates a range of socio-economic rights, including the right of access to food and water, the right to just administrative action, the right to property, the right to sufficient food and water and social security as well as the right of access to information. All these rights are potentially affected in environmental justice cases which makes them an exciting and developing field to be involved in.


Our vision is to help prevent the 1.5 degree increase in global temperatures which will significantly worsen the effects of climate change; to work towards providing access to justice for all and to work towards protecting the planet for us and for future generations.